Snapdeal was started in February 2010 as a daily deals platform. But expanded in 2011 as an online marketplace and now it is India’s largest e-commerce marketplace. The discounts, offers and coupon codes in Snapdeal are really interesting ones. Snapdeal has 12 million+ products across 500+ diverse categories from thousands of Regional, National and International brands and retailers. They have great collections for products like Sarees, Gold coins, Laptops, Books, Jewellery, Fashion & lifestyle items, Beauty products etc.
It is delivering its service to 5000+ cities and towns in India and has a 4 hour delivery and 90 minute reverse pick ups for the orders. The payments are done through Credit or Debit card and Cash on delivery. EMI option for all ICICI, HDFC and CitiBank credit cards are also possible. It has a 24*7 Customer care services too.